The Twin Coast Cycle Trail is more than beautiful scenery, more than an easy two-day ride, and more than an environmentally friendly tourism product. It is an authentic connection between our Far North communities, a glimpse into a rich cultural history, and an introduction to some lovely people!

One of those lovely people is – Noeline Inverarity, owner and operator of Okaihau Rail Stay accommodation, which offers boutique railway carriage accommodation and motorhome parking/facilities for visitors to the Far North. Recently Noeline hosted a lovely large group of RV visitors. Unbeknownst to Noeline, one member of the group was Sharon Bergstrom – a writer for ‘Walking New Zealand magazine’ who wrote about her adventures and experiences on the Twin Coast Cycle Trail.

Mrs. Bergstrom beautifully captures the Twin Coast Cycle Trail journey from her perspective and details the itinerary that her group undertook. So, in the words of writer Sharon Bergstrom, “Never say never, you can’t do it, or you’re too old! Because you just might surprise yourself.”

Read the full article here – courtesy of Frank Goldingham– Editor of ‘Walking New Zealand’