The Cycle Trail Trust needs to complete some urgent maintenance work during the quieter winter months in preparation for the busier summer months. Contractors are getting ready to carry out some major maintenance in June. If you are planning a trip along the trail this month, please read on for the maintenance details so you can adjust your journey to still have an amazing trip.

The Bay of Islands Vintage Rail train connection between Taumarere – Te Akeake will be unavailable for bookings from 4th – 26th June.

Keteriki-Bay of Islands Vintage Railway has closed the rail corridor for scheduled repairs and maintenance,  including repairing rail, clearing slips and vegetation, and general repairs and maintenance. In the interest of safety, the cycle trail section from Taumarere to the Tunnel will be closed temporarily during June.

From July, operators will be able to make bookings through the train’s booking system for Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and the school holidays. In these July bookings, Keteriki-Bay of Islands Vintage Railway will be available to assist the operator’s groups safely around the work site.

We discourage independent trail users from using this section of the trail until maintenance is completed.

The section from Opua to by-pass at the tunnel will remain open for the public to access. Signage and barrier fencing will be installed at the top of the bypass next week.

Please note: The Macadamia Farm – did have work scheduled for this time of year; however, this work has been delayed, and this section remains open.