7 Jan, 2017 5:00am,  8 minutes to read

After many missed deadlines the northern-most of the 22 Great Rides that make up the New Zealand Cycle Trail is open all the way from Opua on the east coast to the Hokianga Harbour. Phil Taylor reports from the Twin Coast Cycleway.

There were real concerns this trail might never be finished from coast to coast. And that would have been a shame on more than one count. It’s a very nice ride, the only one to cross the country and Northland could do with the dosh.

I’ve been visiting a family bach in the Maniototo, smack bang on the Otago Rail Trail, every second year for decades and have seen what that bike route means to the region. It’s a river of gold.

The 84-kilometre Twin Coast Trail can do something similar for the north, particularly the poorer west where few visitors venture and where jobs are scarce.

Down south, B&Bs, lodges and cafes popped up along the inland Otago route. Pubs shook off their decrepitude. Some literally rose from the dead.

The full article is found on the NZ Herald website READ MORE and Watch the video too.