by Luanne Butler
Iwi: Ngapuhi
Plyboard, Acrylic 1200x1200
My painting is dedicated to my mum Lulu Moka. The painting is split into three, the first
panel on the left represents “Motu” which means ‘island’ in English.
It is my contemporary view of whenua (land).
I have always liked drawing versions of the koru pattern, these represent my
connections to the whenua, both from Papatuanuku and from the placenta (whenua) of
giving birth to my 12 children.
It also connects me to my tupuna and to the uri (generations to come).
The middle section is the pattern of the ‘Kiore’ a now extinct animal brought here on the
Māmari waka by Ruānui in the time of the great migration, which accompanied our well-
known Ngāpuhi waka, Ngātokimatawhaorua.
The names on the right are significant to where my tupuna and I come from
MOTUKIORE (Island of the Kiore).
Ko Maramarua te Maunga
Ko Perunui te Awa
Ko Motukiore te Marae
Ko Te Arohamauroa te whare Tupuna
Ko Hokianga-nui-a-Kupe te Moana
Ko Te Ngahengahe te Hapū
Ko Ngāpuhi te Iwi
Ko Luanne Butler ahau.