"Mana moana, Mana whenua, Mana tāngata"
by Te Kura o Horeke
Arama Koroi, Te Ariki Katene, Emmanuel Le Noel, Josiah Coe, Tairawhiti Sylva, Elenalee Mizsey – (Rawinia Le Noel)
Plyboard, Acrylic 1200x1200
The pou represent six marae in the Horeke Districts, Tauratumaru, Puketawa,
Mokonuiarangi, Te Rangatahi, Mataitaua and Motukiore, setting is where Kupe a great
Rangatira and navigator of Hawaiki arrived, this painting depicts the arrival with
descendants of each hapu emerging from the Hokianga Harbour.
Mana moana – Ko Kupe tera
Mana whenua – Ngā Marae
Mana tangata – Ngā Uri a Kupe