'Hapu: Ngahengahe/ Te Ihutai'
by Anne (Ani) Taylor
Plyboard, Acrylic 1200x1200
Ko Maramarua te Maunga
Ko Perunui te Awa
Ko Motukiore te Marae
Ko Te Ngahengahe te Hapu
The world view of a humble perspective. Motukiore is enriched with history that includes, an abstract lens of taiao, and elements of whakapapa.
Hinenui Te Po – Surrounded by darkness yet the rays of Tamanui te ra gives us hope.
Perunui – The importance of Water sustains our people.
Kaitiaki – Perunui is one of Niniwa and Arai te Uru children who provides the community with kaimoana.
Colour Abstract – Representation of the many whanau who have migrated to Motukiore. Tangata not only maori whom have influenced the culture and history of our community.